Our data centers feature N+1 design for densities of over 175 watts per square foot.
SVColo implements best practices and state of the art data center cooling technologies to ensure sound operational practice and stable environmental conditions for your equipment.
Features of datacenter cooling infrastructure:
Higher than standard power/heat densities requirements met with cold and/or hot air containment solutions.
Climate Control
The climate is controlled by multiple 80 ton, chiller water air handlers.
All air handlers and chilled water piping are outside of the datacenter.
The chillers, cooling towers and piping are all fully redundant systems (at least N+1).
The temperature and humidity are continuously monitored.
SVColo datacenters have several temperature and humidity sensors distributed in each colocation room to ensure that environmental conditions appropriate and stable
Contact Silicon Valley Colocation today for data center cooling and colocation solutions that include quality service, flexibility and scalability, expert help and staff, transparency and rock solid security. Call 408.541.2009